I think I was in fourth grade when my school started getting in the Troll Book Club. It was a pamphlet that you could order books from and i...

Hang in There Kitten

I think I was in fourth grade when my school started getting in the Troll Book Club. It was a pamphlet that you could order books from and if you ordered a certain dollar amount worth of books you would get a free poster, which was often of adorable little animals. I always wanted the "Hang in There" cat poster, and I never did get one.

So basically it was Successories for the kiddos in fourth grade. I don't know what was so stressful that we needed encouragement like this back then, but I decided to remind myself of how wonderful these posters are and I thought I would share my findings with you!

Hang in there baby, you can do anything! Sometimes you just need to be reminded you can get through this tough time.

Now for us adults...